Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bad Blogger

Lately I have had friends and family tell me that they love reading my blog... I roll my eyes and laugh and say, "seriously, because I am SOOO bad at updating it!" I have to admit that I am not the best writer and sometimes I just don't know what to say! Mason usually gives me ideas on what to write about, but lately I just haven't had the time. Honestly, I think part of the problem is that I have become addicted to facebook. I seriously think I need an intervention!! I find that most of my free time is looking up "status updates" and photos of my long lost friends. I am forever greatful for facebook though...it has allowed me to come in contact with old friends and puts a smile on my face when I see old photos from elementary school resurface. So, you can blame facebook, my super busy life of raising 2 boys, working as an accountant and dietitian, being a housewife, and CEO of the family. I apologize for my poor attempt at blogging!

1 comment:

Marisa said...

CEO My Arse!!! More like "Sex-a-tary";)